Fletch, I am happy you sent that email. One thing we've all learned with this illness is that you need to advocate for yourself. i think it's a good decision. Try options and try to be
open minded. sulfite free rowasa is definitely something you should try, but if that's not a good option, give steroids enemas or cortifoam a try
Good job in being proactive. Prednisone is a total band-aid. Works while you're on it, once you're off, you're relying on something else. I got to the point where I didn't see it as a valid solution, especially without knowing the exact plan to follow. You have so many options, but in my first flare, I avoided pred completely by starting a mesalamine and having a great result. I went from moderate inflammation to none, within weeks. That remission lasted a year+, and I was so thankful, as I wasn't ready to do anything more at the time.