Hello everyone
I'm here today asking a question about
a serious health concern recently. I've had ulcerative colitis for 5 or 6 years now. And this is something new that started happening. For the past week or so I've been having black stool/ black blood clots coming out or black liquid. And very severe lower abdomen pain. It's affecting me in such an exhausting way. It hurts to walk right now or any type of movement. The pain feels like a flare and when I try using my asacol enemas you can easily tell that the rectum is inflammed. It's scary because the pain only seems to be getting worse and for the past week it's either been black blood clots, black stool, or black liquid. Maybe one or two days it was normal and then it started again. And it wasn't because I was eating something different from the other days. It's been the same thing. Has this ever happened to anyone before? And has anyone ever had flares without diarrhea? Or without another common symptom. It's also stressful to deal with it and explain your disease to a doctor or specialist. When it feels like sometimes they brush it off or they send you to different places and you don't really get answers.
thanks for reading. Any advice or suggestions are welcomed!