Few Words about
my Case:
So last six months, I have been suffering with some kind of colitis. I did a colonoscopy three months ago and my biopsy results said " Alterations of colitis, possible infectious reasons. For final diagnosis and to exclude idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease is recommended for the patient to re-examine after treatment." It was on Greek, so I might not be precise on the translation. My doctor tho didn't give me any treatment, because by the time biopsy results were out, I was already fine and he didn't give me any treatment. He told me that if it happens again, I will visit him again and we will re-examine. I changed city by that time and last three months I have been having "flares" every other week.
My solution:
Since this has been affecting my life very badly and I do not even feel "free" anymore, I decided to go to another doctor here. I showed him my old exams and he told me that the other doctor should have suggested me some treatment even tho I was fine that time. By that time I went to this doctor, I didn't have a flare, but I just needed a second opinion. So he told me to take antibiotics and I am currently doing a 10-day treatment. I am taking Flagyl, Asacol, Ciprofloxacin and probiotics.
The problem:
It's fourth day of my treatment and it has been only problems til now. Since I started taking antibiotics I have diarrhea, I feel that my stomach is bloated and the worst part.. I realized today about
Asacol. All this time I thought it was second package for Flagyl and I was not taking it last three days. I called my doctor in panic and he told me to start taking it today, and just keep taking it for 10 days. That it's not really a problem, but isn't it? I was also googling about
each medicine and it seems like Asacol is for ulcerative colitis and Krohns, so why would he give me that if it seems like I have infectious colitis and not ulcerative? Why I worry about
this? I read people saying that when they stop Asacol and get flare again, same medicine won't work as good as before. So in case that I have ulcerative colitis, this will be bad for me. Because I will obviously stop taking it after package is used and if what I have is not infectious but ulcerative, Asacol might not work anymore for me
Been really stressed all these months with this "crap". I really hope that after this treatment it will be gone, but i really don't feel like it will.