IamCurious said...
those facts are false and spreading them gets innocent people killed
What facts are false? Everything I stated in those two posts was fully documented and I didn't see anyone actually counter any facts that were presented, only hurling ad hominem attacks on me.
And as I said over and over, we antivaxxers are NOT against vaccines and would like to return to a similar vaccine schedule of the 1980's. We could prevent most common childhood diseases with a dozen or so vaccines administered to children before school age, such as monovalent measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines given separately over an extended schedule. That is a fact.
And we could postpone unnecessary vaccines such as injecting babies shortly after birth with the Hepatitis B vaccine with all its toxic adjuvants, whether or not the mother has Hep B in the first place. That vaccine alone will inject 225 mcg of aluminum into a newborn infant. Thanks to vaccines by the time the baby is two months old he will have received 1,225 mcg of aluminum -- 50 times higher than safety levels, with more shots in the pipeline. That is a fact.
How much aluminum does an infant naturally ingest through breast feeding or through formula? How much aluminum does an infant breathe in through the air?
Do human bodies have the ability to clear aluminum via urination?
Have studies shown that vaccinated babies have higher levels of aluminum than non-vaccinated babies?
Who determined the 'safe' levels of aluminum for infants?
What makes adjuvants 'toxic?' (You show your hand when you use such language. Is water toxic too? It can be fatal if ingested at high enough levels.)
IamCurious said...
In 1983 the autism rate was 1 in 2500. Today babies are receiving 26 vaccines before the end of their first year and the autism rate is 1 in 36 children, a 23 percent increase from as recently as 2014. That is a fact.
Even the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) admits the recent full 15 percent increase in the rate of autism in just two years was NOT the result of more robust diagnosis, the ”new diagnostic criteria for autism adopted in 2013 (DSM-5) made only a slight difference in prevalence estimates.” That is another fact.
1983 was right at the time CD players came into the market for home audio. Digital audio, for the first time, became available for the consumer. Now we have DVDs, Blu Rays, downloadable digital audio files, compressed MP3s, etc.
Can we therefore conclude that exposure to digital audio is also responsible for the increased rates of autism?
IamCurious said...
The Director of the National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities and the head of the CDC both finally had to admit that a comprehensive study comparing the overall health of a vaccinated population and an unvaccinated population has never been done in the United States. There are only epidemiological studies. That is another fact.
Are you suggesting we randomize the US population into two groups, then vaccinate one group and not the other, then follow both groups for an entire lifetime (generation), then compare data. And *only then* determine whether or not vaccines are safe? If so, wouldn't we need to change how ALL drugs are approved? Why just such extreme requirements for vaccines, but not for, say, aspirin?
IamCurious said...
So you guys want to have the parents arrested for wanting to return to an earlier vaccine schedule? They are only trying to protect their little ones. We can have both vaccine safety and protect our little ones with a more judicious use of vaccines. But Big Pharma insists on an “all or none” vaccine schedule where they can regularly add new vaccines to the schedule.
Big pharma insists? Link to where big pharma controls the vaccine schedule?
What constitutes a 'more judicious' vaccine schedule? Who determines it?