Please name the GI lab stool tests that are the best for detecting infections and parasites.
My MD suspects c. diff. x 3 in the past year but my stool/parasite tests are all negative. She is going by symptoms and appearance at failed colonoscopy.
Does anyone have the info on Florastor Fiber being helpful for C.diff.
Which probiotic has been most helpful and how often to do you take it and do you switch them up every so often?
Anyone try the autoimmune paleo diet for u/c and did it help?
Anyone on SCD diet and has it helped?
Anyone try sour dough bread made from the mother receive and can you tolerate it?
Thank you all again!
(I added a subject)
Post Edited By Moderator (iPoop) : 7/25/2019 9:59:34 AM (GMT-6)