Old Hat said...
Jess, if your foam is 10% steroid, it's not urgent that you wean off it ASAP, the way it is with liquid retention enemas or oral steroid meds-- to avoid harmful side effects. I can well understand your preference for using the foam over supps or liquids-- because leaking is a major nuisance with those bloomin' supps; much better to have med that stays where you need it! Sorry that your consultant is such a drip about timely replies to your Qs. *** RE overcoming C, you may not want to steam veggies during a summer heat wave, but eating them can be very helpful, especially extra-moist yams. In my experience they seem to have just the right amount of soft fiber to get things moving w/o irritating the colon. / Old Hat (40+ yrs with left-sided UC; in remission taking Colazal)
Yes unfortunately I still haven’t heard anything back from consultant. I think I’m coming to the end of 7 or 8 weeks on the steroid foam. I’m feeling quite conscious that I shouldn’t use them for longer than this however, without any advice or help I’m just carrying on.
The last 2 weeks I haven’t had any noticeable blood, I am still constipated but with that I can sometimes go twice a day (just very hard, small stools)
Feeling a lot more positive about
symptoms. I have been introducing things back in slowly and haven’t noticed a negative effect. Stomach does feel gurgly and put me on edge when I over indulge but don’t know whether it is just my body getting used to eating other foods again.
I had my colonoscopy almost 1 month ago yet have still not recieved a date for a follow up appointment with results for my biopsies. Anyone in the uk - how long should I expect to wait?