Hello Quincy
The reason why I went was because my doctor scheduled me to have it done along with my mamogram and my annual physical. This past February I also had my right thyroid removed and now my body is only working with one thyroid so they checked that out too , to make sure I didn't need any medication. but it feels like my body is fighting me.
I don't know why she didn't say inflamed, but your are right, I could of irritated it with the crap I had to take to clean out my colon
I don't go back untill November , and by then all the reports will be in.
Right now, I feel really good. I have normal bowels, no bleeding, my energy is up, I'm sleeping good, so I don't know. I hope I don't get my self stressed over this , once all this sinks in. I just want to keep a healthy as possible colon, they can take out colon when I'm in my 80's
Seahorse Lover