Hi again. Thought I would start a new post rather than try to combine my two questions into one. That said, after my scope today, my GI noted that we would talk about
starting an immunomodulator at my return visit this Thursday.
My question is- what is the difference between the two? Is one easier on you than another (I've heard about nausea with Imuran), and anyone's personal experience.
I was diagnosed two years ago with left sided UC and had a scope the past two years in June. I developed an eye condition in July (Iritis) that is associated with IBD's. I decided to seek out a new GI and she wanted to do another scope for herself. She is concerned that I have Crohn's and not UC- I have a skin tag, Iritis. Anyway, the scope showed inflammation from rectum up 25 cms and a narrowing from 12-15 cms. She took biopsies.
Anyway, enough rambling. Any personal experience would be appreciated! Just wanting to educate myself.