Hey there... my name is Heidi and I live in MA. I just turned 36... and although I haven't been diagnosed (again), I'm about 80% I have UC.
A little history for ya...
When I was 12yrs old I was diagnosed with UC (after almost a YEAR of Dr's trying to figure it out), I had a barium(sp) enema and it was then that I was diagnosed. I was on some kind of steriod for about a year.
I've been "okay" since then (over 23yrs!) but have always had a "sensitive stomach" and have never liked spicy foods. I've eaten enough to become pretty overweight actually!
SOOOOO... fast forward...
Since the very beginning of Sept ('07) I've been sick sick sick. At first I thought it was some kind of a virus since it would come and go. Every 2-3 days I'd be EXAUSTED... and stuck on the toilet. As time passed... I began to realize that this maybe WASN'T a virus since my hubby nor my kids have gotten it... and I've been getting worse and not better.
It's at the point now that I don't eat much of anything... I had some white bread and a couple spoonfulls of cottage cheese today... and I drank 2 bottles of Ensure.
(The only PLUS to this whole thing is that I'm losing some weight...)
I saw my regular Dr about a week and a half ago and she took bloodwork... my liver function is "off", so they'll do that again. Everything else with the blood looked good. At her request I brought her (several) stool samples but those wont be back for another week. She wants to rule out parasites etc.
I found a Gastro office and called them MYSELF today and the "soonest" they can get me in is DECEMBER 3rd?!?! I don't think I'll make it until then, so hopefully, my regular Dr has a little pull and can make an appt happen sooner than that.
I'm NOT looking forward to the inevetible colonoscopy... yuck. I don't mind the procedure itself since I'll be 1/2 way out of it, but I really don't think I'll be able to drink that "stuff" the night before. Is it still as horrible as I remember???
So LIVING with this hasn't been fun... I'm a WIFE, I'm a MOM of a 4yr old and a 3yr old AAANNNNDD I operate a home child care to three additional children M-F!! It's not easy to do that and run to the toilet 10+ times/work day!! My hands are RAW from washing them so much.
So... that's my story... so far.