Hi there! I've just been diagnosed with UC about
a month ago. I also had a benign, but pecancerous polyp, found near the UC. We've currently got me on Canas suppositiries & darvocets for the pain. As long as I take the darvos, I'm D & blood free. However, I am returning to GI doc today to get me on something oral. I don't know what she's going to try, but she'd said that I won't be able to take the darvos for pain anymore??? Anyone? I'm also on depacote for bipolarism. I have currently all but given up completely on coffee. I get a swig now & then but no more, as it does hurt. Soda, limit to one a day. I just have to have something good! And, I let it go flat sipping over a period of several hours usually. I was such a Java junkie too! Ouch!
My pain is mild to severe, primarily on left side near hip bone. Now it's moving to the right side as well...Thus, the request for oral meds. I just switched primary care physicians, and he's really aggressive & wants to help me get this flare up under control...that's a big help to have a good doc. Anyway, I just wanted to kind of introduce myself. And thank you all for being here. I've been poking around this forum for about a week, and thought i'd share this morning. Oh, also, I was first diagnosed with IBS with benign, noncancerous polyps, in 2002. I guess I've graduated! I also found that stress doesn't help at all! I hope to get through this flare up with the help of you guys, thank you for being here, you've been a big help thus far!