A little over a year ago I was having trace amounts of blood in my stool and my doctor referred a specialist. A colonoscopy was scheduled and I was diagnosed with UC.
For all the initial fears I had, due mainly to what I read on the web, my life has changed very little. I have had one episode that I could not control and other than the changes from constipation to have the urge to run to the porcelain on the rare occassion nothing has really changed. I have not changed my crummy diet but I have been getting acupuncture and I have been pleased with the results.
With all that said last Friday night I thought I was having a food poisoning reaction to my Taco Bell lunch with accompanying fever. I rarely get sick and so I attributed that to my poor choice of diet. The fever broke Sunday morning but the watery bowel movements have not. It is always a combination of blood, mucus and stool but I am not getting any consistency back. I am also confused because it is not like typical diarrhea becuase I do not have a sense of urgency when I have to go, no painful gas and no burning or damage to my surrounding skin. Needless to say I am a bit perplexed. I have been eating bannanas, a bit of oatmeal, soup and lots of fluid.
Has anyone experienced anything similar? Is this just a new phase of UC and I need meds (I have never been on any). I would appreciate any insight.