Hello all!
Just wanted to share this and get any feedback on having flare ups while on Remi?? I just had my 6th infusion on Monday and wouldn't you know it, 3 days before, I flared up something terrible. The strange thing was I did not have d, just many bm's and blood in the stool. I had been feeling great for the past 3 months and out of no where I got hit!
I realize most people start showing symptoms just before a treatment. I will say, this isn't as severe as before taking Remi and I'm taking cortenemas to control it.
I guess I'm just trying to figure things out with flares..........before Remi, I would have fore warning it was coming with d and cramps, then blood and weeks of being sick. Now out of the blue it hit me mainly the pain on my left side is what was the worse and I think it was because my stool is formed. But it seems like it's more controllable......I hope. I had a mild flare in Aug--that started with d and cramps. 10 days of cortenemas got me back on track. I had my energy back and it was like I didn't have it at all, until a few days ago!!
Please share any experiences or feed back. As minor as this maybe compared to others, your input helps!!!