Hi guys,it's been awhile...but thats GOOD,right? LOL...
I have been in remission with my UC for about 8 monthes or so,since I got out of the ICU last Spring for colon troubles. Everything has been going good. In about the last 2 weeks I started noticing a funny feeling in my upper butt crack,it hurt. As time goes and I pay more attention to it I realize it's like some sort of rectal discharge and it leaks up my crack and stays at the very top...this causes it to be super red and VERY painful. I have to be careful how I sit because it HURTS! With bathing or wiping after "going" I have to be very careful...it hurts,etc...I dont have any anal sex or any fetish with my rectum...so it's not "leaking" or hurting from me doing anything to it. I have read some online and they mention Ulcerative Colitis and Proctitis...which I have both. So OK that makes OK sense. But this has never been a problem before and I have had these for 5+ yrs now. Has anyone here ever experienced this? What can be done to help,should I see my Dr? This is just moreso embarrassing then saying I poop out blood....now I have "discharge"...I just dont know what to do. Someone please tell me I'm not alone...and point me in the direction to be healed from this!