Well here it is again---I just think I am going to go out of my mind!!!! I have a 4 hour break in my day before I have to go back to work and I spent the first hour at Urgent Care getting an EKG---normal---of course. Although the Dr. said that EKG often does not actually indicate a heart attack. I am spending the next hours on this computer talking to strangers about
my stupid chest pain!!! It's NOT GOOD!!!!!
I was driving to work this morning and I got this clutch in my heart and then burning pain in the middle of my chest. It lasted for hours and then got less but drifted to my left arm and left side of my face---kind of a tingling. I get anxious and distracted and can't think quite straight---the pain continues ---maybe gets a little better over time. So I called my cardio doc to make an appt to come in and discuss an angiogram---I am TERIFFIED!!!!!of that test----but I can't stand to live this way any longer and if I die during the test----I don't even care (right now). The women asked me about the problem and I made the mistake of saying something about chest pain....she said I should come in immediately! If this was the first time I felt this kind of pain (it's always a little different---but generally the same) But this is the 800th time I've felt this and the 500th time I've rushed to the ER for NOTHING!!!!!! I have to go back to work in an hour and I have a full day of work tomorrow---I can't afford to mess with this over and over again!!!!!!! I have MVP/dysautonomia----which causes chest pain and anxiey which does too. I have had EKG, Holter Moniters, Stress test with and with out contrast, the new fancy 64 CT scan. My blood pressure is low, I don't smoke or drink, My hdl and trigl are good (my overall number is high), I just gave in a few days ago and started taking 5mg of simvistatin. the only "marker" I have is that my dad's family all had heart problems---so I think I get extra scared. My chest hurts, my upper back hurts, my diaphragm hurts, my arm hurts. The urgent care doc pressed on my chest and said that it might me that Chondoco.......the rib thing. My cardio doc is gone for the day and I just feel so helpless and overwhelmed!
Most of the time I can just ignoe it---but NOT TODAY for some reason. I don't think I have ever written like this before---actually I fell better---but I am sorry for the rant. If there is anyone out there with some words of advice/comfort or just understandin---I would really appreciate it. I'm not much of a computer person---so I'm not on here much---but I don't know what I would do without this forum when I get desperate. Thank you again