Mitral Valve prolapse interupts my life allllll the time! I throw PVC's like crazy and have for many, many years. And, they are just as scary now as when they were when they 1st started. I can just breathe in sometimes and feel my skip or pause whatever it is that it does. I HATE IT! My family Dr. just put me on Tenormin ( a beta blocker)because it is interfering with my life now. It makes me very tired, too.
I've had lots of problems the last few months....from h pylori infection that I've done 4 rounds of antibiotics to treat--- to finding out the pain in the front chest and middle back is coming from two bulging discs in my neck! And, to top it all off, my B12 is VERY low, so the neurologist started me on B12 shots this week!
Back to the Mitral valve thing--- heard there is a surgery --ablasion i think it is--that really has helped some people. Only thing is, I just spoke to a woman from here, and she said they took her, prepped her, and her heart would not do it after they had "relaxed" her, so they did not get to burn the places that needed corterized (not sure if i spelled that right). But, I am thinking about that in the future...I'm only 38 and I have had this since my 20's and I am soo tired of it. It seems the older I get, the worse it is FOR ME.
So sorry and I hope this helps some....