HI all - new to this forum, and so happy to have found it. I've been feeling like my PFO/ASA was so remote as to be a bit scary! My PCP never has had a patient with this; as well, another doctor found this to be a "rare" occurence. My husband has been pretty freaked out, which doesn't actually help... :)
I'm a 47 yr. old otherwise very healthy female who never had any recognizable syptoms such as a TIA prior to this past February. I could add that I feel like I have, at times, short-term memory loss (I often feel much less articulate than what I used to be) but I've sort of attributed that mostly to aging. I say mostly, because I can think of a recreational activity that indeed could contribute...
Anyway, early, one February morning, I was going along with my typical routine of brewing coffee and getting on the 'net to check my daily news.... I suddenly noticed that my left hand had gone numb; I remember touching it to my right hand and feeling a strange sensation of someone else's hand doing the touching. That seemed to quickly subside, but as I sat at my PC and began to talk outlound at said PC for acting up, my words came out sounding like martian language. Meanwhile, I'm thinking the phrase I'm trying to say... I'm repeating it outloud only to again hear myself sounding out gibberish... I quickly begin typing to see if I'm having other issues... typing's fine... thinking's fine.. speech seems to return though I can't say how long it took... Then... a headache in the front, right side began. I don't get headaches very often - never migraines - and I think - sheesh, what the heck's going on? I decide to go to the kitchen and take a couple aspirin - I don't know why - I usually take Advil, but nevertheless.... I take 'em. Headache subsides fairly quickly... I go back to reading the news and sipping my coffee.
My husband gets up and per usual asks me how I am today - as I explain these odd events he determines immediately that we'll need to call the hospital- I counter with wanting to wait and call my PCP after 9 am. He claims my speech is slow, hesitant, stuttering....
PCP says to immediately head to the ER. We do... and gawd, what a nightmare! Tests... IV's... (trouble finding my usually prominent vein which donates blood often!)...ultrasound on my neck ... a claim that I have arterial disease! WHAT???? No way I think - I don't eat a lot of fried junk... no history in my family that I know of (I don't have much history to go by, admittedly). Then the announcement that I must go to a larger hospital (I live in VT) for an MRI. This is on a Friday of course.... I had big plans that day! Leave work early - meet up with friends! Yuk!!!!
Off to the big hospital in a frikkin' ambulance! They wouldn't let my hubby take me. Yuk again! Another ER room... more REALLY sick people among me... I'm feeling too darn good to be here. And I'm getting hungry!!! No food.. no drink... more coordination tests.... more poking, prodding, bigger IV. Listening to sicker people haivng to deficate. Wishing I could just go home and come back for said MRI which isn't scheduled for hours and hours.... FINALLY - MRI - not a big deal for me - then back to ER even though I've been told I have to stay overnight. More waiting.... finally getting to eat... then finally getting sent to a room at 10 pm. Thinking - oh, good, I can chill, watch a little TV then sleep. No way... more testing, poking, prodding - promises of getting awakened every 3 hours...
The next morning, a different neurologist who's hard to understand (he's Syrian) and his teaching assistants come in - he's looking over my MRI - tells me I've had a little TIA. Oh- and by the way, you had a tiny little stroke some time ago. No idea when. The good news? I do NOT have arterial disease. Hmmm... I'm sent on my way with a script for aspirin and a statin. I'm told I need an eccocardiagram to figure out why I had a stroke.
A couple weeks later, I have the ecco. Am told while still groggy that sure enough, I have a hole in my heart. I'm told on my way out that I'll hear from my PCP soon.
Then? NOthing. A couple weeks go by... I'm remaining confident (am I in denial?) that we'll get a call "soon". Husband calls my PCP - learns the doctor's never gotten anything from the hospital. Quick scramble...invitation to see PCP, then a call from the hospital to discuss results....
New neurologist accompanies the "student" neurologist that saw me with the 1st neurologist that Friday in February... so now I'm on my 3rd neurologist! This latest, a real "dynamo" (and the first female!), explains that my care has been mishandled - makes her unhappy - facts are this: I had an actual stroke in Feb., not a TIA... I have a very large hole...and I have an ASA. She tells me I should have been kept in the hospital all weekend despite any protestations; that the ecco should have been done the coming Monday; that an ultrasound should have been done on my legs in case a clot was lurking there. She refers me to a cardiologist who can perform the PFO closure - and notes that this is who she'd send family to. Then she makes me get an ultrasound before I leave (all clear).
The next chapter.... and most frustrating of all.... I am scheduled for the PFO closure tomorrow, Weds, 5/20. I get a call yesterday from the surgeon's office- my insurance, CIGNA, has turned down paying for the procedure due to the "experimental nature". My surgeon has a peer-to-peer w/ CIGNA and is then required to get 2 more doctors to add to my medical facts - the doctor who did the ecco, and the neurologist. So now I'm in limbo - I'm told that this will likely get approved - that surgery will be delayed a week. Hubby is furious - calls CIGNA and probably didn't leave a good impression. <sigh>
So there's my story so far... and in reading so many other posts, I'm basically shocked at how little I still now about post-op and recovery. We just didn't ask! I don't know why as I'm typically inquistive. I think perhaps I am thinking the less I know the easier it'll be?
Looking forward to hearing others thoughts... thanks for reading this long-winded post!