Hi all I am A prostate canser survival for six years,and I love to help specially the new menbers.
I come to your group looking for some answers.
I am 53 years old,my blood preasure has been always low.
for the last month I have been in pain of both of my shoulders it is arthritis.
Last Tuesday,I weny to my Orthopedic doctor,and when he took my blood preasure it was 144/94 I was very sorprise and asked him to take it againg
after ten minutes and it was 137/93.the sen day at about 8pm it was 122/80.on Thursday at about 1pm I took it and it was 144/92 I called my doctor and he asked me to see him,my doctor gave me BYSTOLIC 5 MG.
After the first pill my blood preasure was 118/77.I have not take any more pill
and the blood preasure is and average 0f 125/81.
the only thing I have notice is early in the morning about 6 am for tha last two days is it 131/95 and after the day progress is it about 124/81.
I just do not want to take hight blood medication if I do not needed'
maybe some of yuo can give some advise thanhs