Good Morning,
Normal human daily Blood Pressure Range can vary widely, so any single blood pressure monitor reading is not reliable. BP monitor readings must be taken at different times of day, to determine average blood pressure levels over time.
What is important is your AVERAGE BPover time or, where are those numbers sitting MOST of the time?
Normal blood pressure as equal to or lower than 120/ 80 — many experts think 115/75 is even better.
Your body produces a surge of hormones when you're in a stressful situation. These hormones temporarily increase your blood pressure by causing your heart to beat faster and your blood vessels to narrow. Learning how to control your stress and anxiety will help tremendously.
According to the NIH If your blood pressure reading is 90/60 or lower, you have low blood pressure.
Some people have low blood pressure all the time. They have no symptoms and their low readings are normal for them. In other people, blood pressure drops below normal because of some event or medical condition. Some people may experience symptoms of low pressure when standing up too quickly. Low blood pressure is a problem only if it causes dizziness, fainting or in extreme cases, shock. References: NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Mayo Clinic