Alright guys I'm not too sure whats been going on here, it seems everytime I attempt to excercise my heart rate goes up way too hard way to fast even just a little bit of walking around the neighboorhood fast seems to set this off. It's scary, I had a stress echo done 5 years ago and that was clear, and 3 stress tests since then that came up clear. I also had one recently that came up clear, yet this probem still persists whatever Is happening to me I can't seem to cactch it on a stress test. I guess the next best step is to try and catch it on a holter monitor but I dont get it just a few months ago I was doing boxing classes and could run pretty decently.
It sure feels like arrhythmias, although i also have a history of aniexty, the only difference between now and a few months ago is the fact that I got off my PPI protonix, I use to get severe reflux. I have taken protonix for more then 3 years sometimes I miss a day or two. However, I don;t take it anymore now could that be causing any cardiac symptoms. Whatever is happening is very scary.