Don't worry about it at all! That's at least one of the reasons that a message board like this exists.
RE: the Prednisone. My cardiologists put me on it 8 weeks prior to surgery on the basis of a fairly recent Mayo Clinic study. According to the study, 30% of people with constrictive pericarditis healed with this prednisone therapy. Not me, though.
So, after the surgery, they gave me prednisone for the general inflammation.
The rapid heartrate (which I had before the surgery---it would climb up to aroun d 130 bpm when I was nervous), was the result of both the surgery and the anti-inflammatories I was on. They eventually gave me a low-dose beta blocker (the atenolol) to deal with it, and now I feel fine.
And no---I didn't have any nausea, which I guess is kind of unusual. I ate what they call a 'clear plate' (jello, soup broth, etc.) just a few hours after waking up from surgery. I was really hungry!
I haven't bothered to ask the dr about the insomnia. All the reading I've done (which is a lot) indicates that your sleeping patterns can be disrupted for several months post-op. So, if it's still troubling me in a major way a couple of weeks from now, I'll call the doc.
So, overall, I feel real good. I'm doing pretty much everything that I did before the surgery. The only complaints I have---and they are very, very minor---are that I get some small tingly / irritating / itchy sensations in the nerves, muscles, and bones in my chest, back, and arm; I get a little out of breath if I go up stairs, or walk too far too quickly; and the sleeping issues. It's worth bearing in mind, though, that this is awfully major surgery. (And it's only been eight weeks!) Quite a lot of trauma, as Teri and others have pointed out. So, you simply have to give it time. It's also worth bearing in mind that I will go to see my CT surgeon for a one year checkup. This means that a person could, in theory, be having issues---of whatever severity---at least 12 months post-op....
Hope all this helps...
Thanks, Nan! And yes---I'm totally off all the meds. The last thing I was taking was Hydrocodone, but I haven't taken that in over two weeks.
And Teri---I hope you're feeling better, too. Thanks for the info! I'm positive it's not depresssion, though. I'm getting enough rest, it's just that I'm having a lot of difficulty falling asleep. I will lay down to go to sleep, but I'll be tossing and turning for the next 3-6 hours. (Good thing that I'm off for the summer and don't have to be anywhere, since I'm sleeping in till, like, 10:30...) So, I'm just going to give it some more time and see what happens.
p.s. Hey, Cathy, how's everything going?