Does anyone feel every PVC they have? Yes indeed, believe me it's exhausting to be so aware of them. Earlier in 2014, right after Easter, I had another outbreak of ectopics, PVCs and PACs. My first Holter showed 6000/24 hours. Changed Beta Blockers, in a month or so, I was having 3900/24 hours. Not long after I consulted an Electrophysiologist, and with some changes in diet, they dropped to 100/day, then gradually fewer and fewer. the above link and his reference to Cannon A-Waves.
I've been having outbreaks since I was 15, over 40 years ago. Here's a few links that helped me out. Ectopics, such as PVCs and PACs are most often benign, but anyone experiencing them for the first time, or anyone used to getting them that notices a change, should see a doctor. the above link, the doctor says 20,000/day of PVCs is the point that they would consider intervention necessary. For my 6000/day, they only occurred while I was awake, figuring 16 hours awake, that's over 6/minute. flu or other illness can bring them on, and once the focus of the PVCs is irritated, it may take a while to calm down. Avoid cigarettes, alcohol, caffeine, and chocolate, to name a few things, try to relax, and try to get 8 hours of sleep a night.
I'll check back, but I hope this helps.