Thank you all so much for your replies.Yes i have a digital blood pressure moniter at home and have been taking my blood pressure daily. Today its running 128/73 . Im getting used to taking it again daily, i was really anxious the first few times, always am if i have to take it. Ive also started walking again, which i had gotten lax in, so maybe that will help, but im wri ting all my numbers down so when i call , he will know what they are if he needs to change my bp meds. i see a blood pressure cuff, and immediately get anxious. After seeing the doctor at 9:30am that morning, i went and picked up my blood pressure meds and took one immediately, by 3:00 it was down to 148/78, and has been going down since. I know blood pressures vary through out the day, but really dont know what caused it, unless it was the lexapro he put me on 3weeks ago for depression. Thanks for all your help, really i appreciate it. Peppertree:)