Hey All,
Went for my yearly physical.
These are my numbers:
Total Cholestral 212
HDL :36
Trirglycerides :137
Im 57yrs old. female. Im 5'1" tall and weigh 99 pds. I dont drink milk, or use dairy products. I eat low carbs, low fat diet. My husband is diabetic so we eat the same things. I snack rarely in between meals. I only use olive oil when i cook. All the other blood work was fine, sugar, kidney function, liver functon, tyroid, blood count. Doctor told me to decrease saturated fats, and exercise more.
I havent been exercising recently and am going to start back. But, can this all be genetic, im trying very hard and have been for quite awhile to take care of me and my husband.
any suggestions would be great!!!!
Oh, i do smoke,, (i know bad, bad)
Thanks ,, Peppertree