There is indeed an FDA warning about taking crestor and niacin together.
The FDA recommendation is that you should not take crestor with niacin.
However, there is no problem taking other statins with niacin. I take 1500 mg of Niaspan( a extended release version of niacin) with Lipitor ( another statin). I take 40 mg of Lipitor one night and 20 mg the next night. I have been taking the two med since May of 06 with no problems.
The Niapsan has help to raise my HDL from 31 to 40. It also has help (along with the lipitor and diet) to lower my LDL to 44. My total cholesterol is now 115. (Before my heart attack, my total cholesterol was 210, ldl 136, and HDL was 33
Although I can appreciate your concerns about taking extra medications, the Niaspan (niacin) can help.