Hi friends here at HW.
I dearly need some feedback.
I'm a 60 yr old guy & my "irregular heartbeats" seem to be getting worse! (Unless I'm just in a "bad cycle")-
I've had 5 different event monitor studies & The Cardiologists (here in Philly & one in LA...w an electro physiology specialist) bith tel me my "events" are not serious (PACs...& runs of SVT....sometimes runs of 8 or 9....10 beats).
Last nite was awakened from sleep, at 4 AM.....w run. Scared the heck outta me! If anything , aside from the "scariness" it causes..it's turning me into a "cardiac cripple" (afraid to go anywhere).
Please---If i consider getting an "ablation"--I'd like to hear some..."Success Stories"...people who have had one procedure...& the arrythmia going away!
Any posts would be great "medicine" for me & IF i decide to do it...would greatly lessen my fears!
So, if you've had a succesful ablation procedure OR heard of a friend or rlative who has...PLEASE--get back! It will be greatly appreciated! Regards--- Robert