Well it all started about
a month ago with some pretty bad dehydration. i meen that night i was very out of breath pulse was 110 and i just felt real bad. so i went to er they do blood work and said i was just real dehydrated that was all. i drank much more fluids it helped alot but i was still having the shortness of breath just not as bad....now 4 weeks later a different thing everyday but now the syptoms have changed..and theres 4 main ones. a small bump on my spine that will get numb and tingly and a spot on my right bicep that gets numb....then shotness of breath and a really wierd vibration feeling in my left chest that can be quite concentrated some time though normally its just annoying and its sort of off and on...the only thing im worried about
mainly is the vibration feeling i meen it feels like a cats purring on my left chest or theres a cell phone on vibrate and it feels like my heart...and i have had real bad anxiety lately but these will sort of come out of the blue unless there triggred by subconcious anxiety. i got a echocardiogram done and xray and doc said echo was healthy a can be but that didnt help i still gotta get results for xray and im going to get a ekg. if this is anxiety why wont it go away and wats the vibration im about
to go mad!!