More and more women are being looked at a bit closer these days when entering the Emergency Rooms, thanks to the hue and cry of the media and all the dismissals in the past when it came to Women and Heart Disease!
I don't mean to leave the men out here, because I know you all are also very deeply affected with Heart Disease and Heart Problems! It's just that this has been a major subject that has affected so many women and their family's lives.
With this particular issue though, so many women in the past have gone into the ER with symptoms that were not like men's when it came to Heart Attacks (MI's). I've heard from so many that were sent home and told it was due to menopause, gastric reflux, or in their head, etc.
So please, take a look at this article and let me know what you think and if any of you here would like to discuss more issues re this subject...then just jump on the big band wagon and give your opinions, or let us know what's happened to you!!