Hey there. I also have bicuspid aortic valve disease. Have been following mine since birth. What did your echo show? Where do you live? It's important to see a cardiologist that works with a lot of patients with congenital disease and not just acquired! If you can find an adult congenital heart disease center near you, that would be best. Your cardio should be meauring the stenosis of the aortic vavle that comes along with it being bicspid, it is a progressive disease. Also, and most important, they should be wathcing for an aortic aneurysm. Some cardiologist are still not aware to look for this, it's a result of the bicuspid vavle and is most impiortant. The more stenotic the valve becomes, the more regurg you get, the larger the aneursym will grow. Also, shortness of breath, chest pain and fainting are serious symptoms of this disease!
I'm a bit older that you (36) and now have severe stenosis, with regirgitations and an aneurysm measuring 3.6 cm. Not everyone with a bicuspid valve gets this, but I'd ask about it. Not Everyone with this needs surgery, but it's a possibility. Although my disease is now pretty severe, I'm still not symptomatic. I get checked every 6 months to re-evaluate if I'm ready for surgery. I'll have my valve replaced and the aorta repaired.
Feel free to ask me anything you want.