Aww, come on...I know someone must exercise here!?~I mean really?? least kick your toes up in the air?? lol
Actually, I used a treadmill for about 5 years, then arthritis in my hips/pelvic area took over...bought a tape on Tai Chi and did the exercises that I learned from it for almost 6-8 mos., but somehow I eventually stopped that pretty much, though I do have a few of those exercises that are nice to use when waking up in the morning. My Dr. said to get an exercise bike. I did. Took me a few days of using that only to find out that my hips/pelvic area hurt so much, that I could barely get a good night's sleep~but my kids use all the equipment! So there's a great thing! We have a pool, so I'll be using that when the water temp. gets over 84~yes, I'm a wimp! lol
So that's why I took on the parttime volunteer job working at the pet store and working with the exotic birds~I love them and the feeling is usually mutual :) and I pace the floor with them a lot so I do get in some exercise that way!
Okay, so now tell us about you! What do you do for exercise?
Hugs for just trying, Teri