I was right. I told the rep this would happen and boy was I right. I showed my hubby the stuff. Then I showed him the chin strap and told him it was to keep my mouth closed so I just breath through my nose. His response? "Keep your mouth closed? You need to wear that during the day too." I knew he was going to say something like that!! LOL
I made it about four hours with it. I ended up taking it off sometime btwn 1 and 2 am. The rep told me this might happen too. She said not to worry about it...just make it a little longer the next night and a little longer the night after that and the one after that etc until I make it a full night. Sounds like a plan for me. :)
I don't feel any different this morning. Well...I take that back. My nose feels a little dried out. I think I'm going to increase the heat for tonight. I think that may be why I took it off...it was too cold.