Hey Teri, Nan, Andrea and Mister....Les....
Well its 2:30 in the morning and I go in at 5:15, they told me two hours prep time, then surgery. We are all meeting at the hospital at four, to pray at the hospital chapel and to have the RJ take their photographs. I can't believe its here. The unreal is now real. I am fearful of the pain I will endure, and wish I had some sort of premonsion or sign that I will either survive or not....I feel so numb.....every time I think of going in, my heart just sinks...I simply believe I have waited so long, it is driving me crazy..so time to get this done. I just wish the odds of being better were greater, that is a tough pill to swallow.
ok, ok, I will bite my lip...be brave and try to be a tenth strong that you all have been...hats off to you all....boy is this tough.... ...right now its not easy being me!!
I promise you all I will write you the second I am able...so you will hear from me as soon as I am able...
love to all, thanks for all the prayers...see you on the flip side, Cathy