hi teri,
well, re the norvasc, the mayo doc's notes said "recommending cutting the
toprol in half and adding norvasc, if her blood pressure can manage it."
i don't know what they meant by that! but my own cardio also suggested
the same. why did they take you off of it? did it LOWER your BP too much?
mine is already pretty low from the toprol, and not sure if that's the problem
they're expecting.
a friend of mine, gastroenterologist, said that calcium channel drugs are supposed
to help with esophageal spasms. we'll see!
my brother took neurontin. he loved it and hated it. he was in a lot of pain from
neuorpathy/diabetes and altho' it helped the pain he said it made him feel so out of it.
boy, what's the toss up with meds these days? they help you, sure, but those dern
side effects...