Dear All
How are you all?
I have just got back from being in hospital for 5 days in London. I was in for 3 days of monitoring and one day of EP studies and Catheterization.
The EP studies and catheters were not very nice. I was not sedated, just a shot to numb the groin both sides and then the tubes passed up. I havd one tiube up my left leg and 4 tubes (electrodes) onthe right. My right leg is the most sore now, but am trying to take it easy.
Anyway. Prior to this admission to hospital, I was told my the cardiologist that he was 98% sure I needed a pacemaker. He saw that when I had a 5 day monitor fitted, it showed a time when my heart raced at 157 bpm and times when it was stopping at night! He said my dizziness and collapses were due to the irregular rythm, and with a pacemaker id feel so much better. I was holding onto that hope! I have even told my employer that id be ok after this op, etc.
Anyway, after the EP studies he came to my room and he said that my heart looked fairly healthy and that he didnt think it was irregular. He has decided NOT to fit anything. I asked him "what about the 157 bpm and the stoppages that showed on the monitor before the EP studies?". He said that these occurences MAY have been due to interferance, or may be one of the electrodes coming lose in the night.
At first these sound like poor excuses, as things did indeed show up on the graphs. SO on one hand I am concerned that he has decided not to help me further.
But saying that, he is a very good Dr, and is recognised all over the UK as a leading heart dr. Is also the chairman of the heart department in 3 hospitals! - So, on the other hand, I feel that he must be right with his diagnosis. I am confused!
AM I BEING UNGRATEFUL by saying that I am now dissapointed? The thing is that I have been ill, dizzy and collapsing for over a year now. I truly thought this was the end of the line and I was now AT LAST going to be made well. Although I didnt really want a pacemaker, I would have happily had one in exchange for a "dizzy free" life. I was excited about the future. Now I feel I am being left AGAIN with all my symptoms. "Back to the drawing board" - as such. Back to the Gp, more referrals, for more testing? Maybe with another ENT dr, another neurologist? I am so confused.
Also, I doubt my employer will not be happy when they hear I will not be made better. How do I deal with that? They are already fed up with me cos I have had time off, but what can I do? Bet GP is tired of me too! I feel so ill all the time....
I look forward to responses. Vikki xxxxx