I have changed my diet major Big time and I mean Major Big time
No fast food places
no pork at all
no white bread,rice,pasta potatoes etc at all
NOthing with transfats in it
Limit my red meat to 4 times a month more fish and chicken
'use Canola oil or olive oil
nothing fried at all
lots more salads
grow my own herbs to cook with
Soy meat
soy milk
haerdley any canned foods unless low sodium or no sodium
dried beans instead of canned beans cooked in a pressure cooker.
2 eggs a week from uor chickens or maybe none
I make my own bread in the bread maker
also make my own stock chicken,bef and vegtable in canning jars in refigerator. lower in sodium too.
Even thuogh I follow a good eating plan I still had to be put on a statin and ned to stay on it too so it all depends on how much damage we had and what the doctor told us for I cannot eat more than 800 miligrams of sodium a day some cannot eat any and some can eat more. But i tend to watch what I eat