Good Morning,
I don't know if anyone can help me, or like I've seen on some of the forums if there is a lot of action on this site. I've gone to a few topics and tried to read up and see if anyone is having the same symptoms as me and there hasn't been posts in months or years.
So, just in case, here goes nothing... I'm a 34/f, I have one child and had my gallbladder removed in 2011. One day while at work about 2 - 3 months after surgery, I felt wierd one second and then my heart was racing the next. I had a wrist BP cup that I borrowed from a co-worker took my pulse and it was 180 and then suddenly... it stopped. about an hour later, same thing happened, took my pulse again.. 210. Ok, so at this time, I start freaking out. My boss sends me to the ER and the doctors found NOTHING wrong with me.
I was then sent to a cardiologist, here I thought I'd find the answers (32 at the time), just lost close to 100 lbs and THINKING I was generally healthy. The cardiologist has an echo done on me and schedules me to have a holter monitor. Come back in for the results, my holter finds nothing, my echo shows "slight" enlargement of the left ventricule which per the Doctor, is not a big deal.
I have no more symptoms for a while, at least until November 2011 while in bed, they wake me up. Heart THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP as fast as it can, doesn't skip a beat, just pound repeatingly, almost like I'm running a 5k trying to reach the finish line.... but, I'm asleep. This of course, TOTALLY trips my boyfriend at time time out. Again, I go to the doctor.
At the cardiologist for the 2nd time and this time I'm thinking he's a quack because he thinks I'm the quack... "There's nothing I can do unless we can "catch the rapid heart rate" happening." he said. Thats the thing, I NEVER know when its going to happen. I can "wait" for it. But, I may wait a month, a week, a day... its not "regular". After that time in November, I had them about once a month then nothing starting in April.
My boyfriend and I move in together in August 2012, still nothing. Then in December 2012, they start up again for about 4 months then nothing until December 2013. The day after Christmas, I'm sitting at my desk and then BAM! I put my head on my desk, breathe slowly and then poof they go away, followed by an INSANE headache and a trip of course to the ER. "Nothing can be done." they say... again.
I haven't had them till just this morning, in the shower... didn't even get to finish shaving my legs.
I just, I don't know what causes them. I've tried to keep a food diary, I have cut back on caffeine, smoking, I eat flippin' fantastic. I'm gluten free, basically everything free. I don't eat red meat either.
They come on unexpected, untriggered (as far as I know) and last for about 1-2 minutes. But, I'm SO tired after, "blah" you can say.