Posted 6/3/2015 6:05 PM (GMT 0)
Hey everyone, I'm a 21 year old male, 5'10 250 pounds. Around February I began feeling strange symptoms. It started one night when laying in bed and my heart began thinking hard out of nowhere and I had a fast heart rate. Later that week while working I felt a strange sensation in my chest and felt like I couldn't stand still and headed to the ER that night where I had a chest X-ray that was clean, ekg was clean and bloodwork showed low potassium. I've since had times where Id be sitting down and id get a rush in my chest with a sense of doom. Most recently I get a constrictive feeling in my chest making it harder to breathe like something's moving in there. I also get a feeli of tightness/ heavy underneath my left breast area towards the center. I've had multiple ekgs and blood pale with nothing to show. This past monday I went for a stress echo and am awaiting the results. If anyone has any thoughts Id appreciate it.