Pratoman said...
Bob, I'm active on the PC forum, welcome to the heart forum. You'll find it's not very active, the way the pc forum is.
about 6 months after my prostatectomy , in a routine checkup, I had an abnormal ekg, which led to a heart Ct scan, which led to a cardiac catch, resulting in 2 stents. I've got a heavy plaque load, CAC score of 937. I had just gotten past the RALP (mentally and physically), and this destroyed me for quite a while.
But I got over it and try my best to eat right and exercise. Bad knee won't let me run so I do a fair amount of walking, that's about it.
Now I've had wo rises in a row, on PSA, went fro, .<02, to .02 to .033. So SRT may be my next adventure. :-(
Seems like it never ends
OMG, I jump over to look at another forum here, and wham.. Pratoman is here!
Hey, this might not be directly related to your heart condition... but I did want to chime in that I had a AFIB issue about
2 years ago ... and I had it fixed with cardiac ablation.
When the fixed it, they found another electrical issue that was artifically slowing down my heart.. so they fixed that too.
It was the best surgery of my life... it felt like my engine in my car was working 100% again... I lost weight, and felt like a million $'s ... until the PC diagnosis
anywho, thought I would share.