Thanks for the post Hopes. Yes, better than a Holter monitor is an "EVENT MONITOR". It's like a small beeper that you can attach to your belt & it stasy
with you for a week or so. Whenever you feel the "strange beats" you press the red buttion & then it "captures it" on the tape. (It's a rewinding tape---it actually goes BACK 3 or 4 seconds--so it catches the beats leading UP to it ANd..the entire run.)
after you call in...a tech then tells you tou hit another button & it plays back & it's RECORED on an EKG so the tech sees it & faxes it to your cardiologists office. It's GREAT----i actually felt BETTER wearing it---like saying to those "irregular beats"..."OK. you little devil...c'mon now---we'll catch you for sure" First time i wore the "EVENT MONITOR" for three days...NOTHING...then---the 4th day---a "WOPPER"....i quickly hit the button---caught in & phoned it in-----it was a "7 beat run" of PACs or a "supraventular tachycardia"'s a really good feeling to CATCH the bad beats...& then SEE what they are! So, i HIGHLY recommend an "EVENT MONITOR"....much smaller--convenient & IF those little devils disappear--as the often do when wearing the holter --sure enough --they will "pop up".
Still---when i see the cardiologist--he reassures me---"nothing to worry about". But, like you, I don't like going on vacation---& when i am away--want to be close to my hotel AND know where the hospital is.
I live in Philly--big city----BEST ER i was ever in was in South Dakota----ER looked liked a Holiday Inn lounge--fireplace--etc----panneling....not filled up with unisured people using the ER as a primary care physician-----the HOTEL manager DROVE me there--i was SEEN in 10 mins---tests take & released within ONE hour! they even called a taxi to take me back to the hotel.
Re: techniques---Yes, pressing down...called "Valsalva manuver" as well as deep inhalation---IF it lasts REAL long (like minutes --which i never had)---COLD WATER ON FACE...also breaks the cycle! Lots of strange things.
One woman told me she was in the ER for 1 hr w a tachycardia--the Drs...could NOT convert back to normal----they were wheeling her w her husband to another room to inject her w something & needed to take elevator--on way out of elevator...wheel chair hit BIG BUMP----"BOOM"! Her tachycadria stopped! Seriously-----strange things like that----anyway---good to hear i'm not alone--but--try NOT to worry--they will NOT kill you----just scary! Robert