Many people have both PVCs and PACs - they are contractions originating simply from different parts of the heart. One in the upper chambers (atria) and one in the lower chambers (ventricles). It is common to have both but they often feel similarly (if one feels them at all - a lot of people don't).
I experienced horrible palpitations due to hyperthyroidism and at that point, only beta blockers were able to ease the symptoms. Prior to that, I had occasional PVC/PAC runs and ironically, the best way for me to rid myself of them was to exercise. I'd take a 20-minute run and feel much better afterwards. If you've been given the go-ahead to exercise, it might be worth a shot. Also, staying away from alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco will help.
A lot of people with GERD find they also have concurrent heart palpitations. You might check out the GERD forum and inquire there, I'm sure they'd be able to commiserate!