hi mamanuss
They found my pro after doing a bubble study.I had been having pvc's and fast heart beats and also was getting some wicked headaches,the way my cardio dr explained it to me.he said that the hole was probably something i had since birth and he told me the reason to have the pfo was to prevent a stroke and he said it would make a big difference in the headaches and the pvc's.
I will say i was very scared and had never heard of this pfo.my dr had given me a dvd to watch at home and it explained all about pfo.usually they do not put you to sleep for this they usually give you a seditive and go through your groin,but i was so nervous that he did but me to sleep for it .[[which i am very glad don't know if i could had gone through it without being put to sleep]]
the procdure went well and i was in the hospital for three or five days dont remember i had it done in june of 2005.i had to take plavix 75mg for 6 months and i think it took about 2 months to get to the point where i started to feel better.i will say that the headaches did ease up a lot and the chest pain and dizziness i was having seem to go away.I have other issuses like chronic pain/fibro and i have had neck surgery and back surgery.i go to the cardio every sixs months and i have a echo done to keep a check on things. so far so good i do have my days when i get some arm pain and chest pain but nothng like i use to get.i no longer have to take the plavix and i only take a baby asprin a day.
have you talked to your cardio about what is going on with you as far as the chest and arm pain.have you had a ekg or echo done since your pfo.i know that having chest ppain is scarey and i will say this to you dont ever feel like you are making a moutainout of a mole hill when it comes to your health.if you feel the beta-blocker is not working right you should call your dr and tell him whats going on might just be a simple thing as adjusting your med.only you know what your body is telling you and if you think something is not right please go get checked if not for no other reason but for peace of mind.
i hope this has helped you and please know my thoughts and prayer's are with you and please if you have nay questions or just need to talk i will answer any time.
tyler's granny