For those who dont know, I was having chest pain for a while, One morning I woke up with the chest pain again only this time it was UNBEARABLE..but I knew this was sporadic so eventually it would go away then come back, and it did but only for a little bit, so as soonas I got home I was so scared because it had gotten worse and it hurt really bad,It was this really bad constricting sharp pain I was so scared, but I said to myself "well let me make sure Im not just having a panic attack", so I went to the chat room for some reassurance, everyone kept telling me to call 911 and I knew I should but I just didnt want to cause an unnecessary scene, but it was really getting hard to breathe because breathing was mainly what would start up the pain, I had gone to the ER before for this and they said it was costochondritis, and so did my doctor.
But It hurt so bad that I just gave up and I guess I called 911 because I woke up in the hospital I honestly dont remember, but I was discharged yesterday after having a heart monitor put on me for 48 hours, The doctor at that hospital which by the way was in another state!, Im from New Jersey and I was taken to a hospital in New York ( I honestly dont know how I ended up there) but anyway the doctor said It wasnt costochondritis because it was irreproducable chest pain ( meaning if I pressed on my chest the pain did not come back) He told me I had a cardiac arythmia. Well I dont know if thats serious or not but my sister told me to keep everyone updated on what happened. I have an apointment with my cardiologist soon, I hope he can do something because Im really starting to get tired of this, I had the pain again today but ofcourse no where near as bad as it was before.
Well this was just an update to tell everyone im fine and if anyone here has any suggestions or has gone through anything similar please post, I need as much info as I can get!