Hello everyone. I'm new to this section of the forum. Actually, I'm not too sure if what I'm dealing with is heartburn or GERD. I can't figure out what's going on with me, so I figured that I'd start here. In advance, I'd greatly appreciate any feedback.
I'm in my mid-30s and deal with bad chronic pain. In the past, I've had a few issues with gastritis, but it's been nothing serious.
A few months ago, I started having a wierd and different set of symptoms. It's very hard to describe, but it's like a gurgling sound that is coming from my esophagus/upper stomach region. It's kind of like a burp, but it's a gurgling flow of air up the esophagus. (I hope this makes sense.)
This is now happening at any time of the day, and it doesn't seem to be related to anything that I've eaten. I've been chewing on Gas-X when it happens, but for the most part, it doesn't really help.
I've wondered about acid reflux because my throat occasionally hurts. It's hard for me to figure out if the throat pain is related to this gurgling though.
Intesteringly, this problem gets much worse when I have to take my pain medication. (I have a chronic pain condition, and I take hydrocodone for the pain.) Even when I'm not taking anything for pain, though, the problem still exists. It just seems to get worse when I've taken the hydrocodone.
That's made me wonder if the meds are weakening a sphincter, but then again, I really don't know anything about this type of problem.
If anyone has any ideas, I'd really appreciate them. Take care, and have a safe week.