The first time I was diagnosed was last summer before I had the Nissen surgery in October 2007. I did a 14 day course of xifaxan. Everything got better - at least I felt better and could consume milk and milk products without lactose intolerance symptoms. I was still taking mega doses of Nexium at the time to control acid reflux.
Symptoms didn't crop up again until after a biliary sphincterotomy (a month ago). The GI felt another test was in order and was sure it would be positive for overgrowth. I had had a really bad recovery period and I should not have been as sick as I was after the procedure. Again I tested positive for bacterial overgrowth. When I saw the GI for the results, he said that the overgrowth contributed to the rough recovery and said he bet I was having hot flashes a lot and headaches. He was correct, but I figured both were just part of hormones kicking in at an early age for menopause.
This time, he's treating me a bit different to ensure he knocks it out for good. I'm taking 14 days of xifaxan. When I end the 14 days, I will begin a one year treatment of 1 ml of liquid erythromycin two hours after each meal. I get three meals a day preferrably with no snacking. However, because I had the Nissen and cannot consume a large quantity at a meal anymore, the GI said a small snack to get me through was OK - keyword is "snack" and not meal.
I work with both MD's and ND's The GI is an MD and has given me antibiotics. I also see an ND (Naturopath Doctor) who has given me a probiotic blend of lactobacillus acidophilus (5+ billion CFU's) and bifidobacterium bifidum (5+ billion CFU's). I keep both MD and ND updated as to what the other has me taking.
Hope this answered your question.
Post Edited (HappilyWrapped) : 3/30/2008 6:43:17 PM (GMT-6)