After reading some of the first comments on this forum . From riverotter , I am almost reluctant to ask , but here goes. A few years ago I had recurrent heartburn and ended up with a stomach ulcer. Dr. reccommended Acifex at the time. Took it for several weeks and ulser resolved.
Six months ago I went for a complete physical to another Dr. . Was sent for an routine endoscopy. Dr. told me I should go back to my pc and ask for asifex again because I was showing signs of damage from acid reflux on esophagus. I really don't get heartburn to often , but when I do my stomach starts to burn and the acid rises to my throat , even with water. I sometimes take zantac or cem.--=-
Two months ago I went to my ENT to have my hearing examined , so I asked him to check my nose (concerning sinusitus) . He did and he also checked my throat and told me I had signs of damage to my voice box due to acid reflux , he suggested I go to pc and ask for acifex again .
My question is . Are there any OTC that you have found to be as effective as Acifex , I really don't want to add to my already extended list of prescriptions at this point.
What do you think? june