Can someone provide a little info? I have LPR with all the associated sinus, throat, voice and chest pains plus the burn of GERD. Recently, I had to go for a 48-hour pH test and had to go off the PPI (Prevacid), well the acid was awful but I felt better at the same time. I get a headache from PPIs; it’s a subtle sinus headache like problem and I just don’t feel like myself. When I take PPIs (I’ve tried most and they all do it) I just don’t feel well. My doctor told me to try Protonix (no luck), Prilosec (no luck), and Nexium is worse. Are side effects unusual? I’m going back on Prevacid (the acid is bad) but I just don’t want to take it twice a day because of how bad it makes me feel. Maybe if I took it at night then I might sleep through the headache. Of course without it twice a day, I'll have some acid reflux. Would Pepcid be okay, it seems to work and I haven’t noticed it giving me a headache. Please let me know, thanks. Oh, I see my GI doctor in about a week to get the results of the pH test and see where we are going. I'm thinking Nissen but???