Welcome Perksie & hi Precious. What kind of side effects do you have from the Nexium? I know Precious had a lot of them. Mine is pretty much the memory thing and I did have some problems with diarrhea when taking it 2x a day. My stomach is alot better. In fact I think I will try sleeping in my bed tonight. I don't know if it was the combination of drugs. Nexium/sucralfate/pepcid/gaviscon breakthrough fomula or if it was the prayer. For the first time in I don't know how many years when I woke up to go to the bathroom last night and the night before I did not have to grab the gaviscon. There was no burning, pain or stuff coming up. Out of habit I went to get some and then realized wait a minute I don't need this. Yesterday I only took the Nexium and the sucralfate so I'm not sure why it suddenly got so much better. The Nexium was a last resort for me as I have been on zantac, pepcid, prilosec, aciphex over the years and all stopped working after so many years. I have to take stomach meds on a daily basis since age 23 and am now 46 so it does seem like one becomes immune to them after so long.
Precious you really should stay away from the soda. It is so bad for GERD and then with the stress on top of it. When I used to get stressed out and worry about stuff my stomach would get so bad that it would feel like i had a knife through straight to my back at about where the stomach and esophagus meet and then I would end up with a UC attack on top of that. I don't worry like that anymore and try not to stress out about any thing. I just leave it all in Gods hands. I sure hope you get to go home soon. I wouldn't even be able to stay in a smoking room at all. I get sick with asthma even from the smell of cig. smoke. It's one of my major tirggers for my asthma. Try to find a way to relax and get out of the room for a while. I have a 16 month old grandson and I know they can be a handful. Do they have a pool there? That would be a good way for you to relax and have some fun. Talk to you both later. Barb