Hi All
I am new to this forum, having been on the search now for some understanding, perhaps I have found it here.
Anyway, I have same problems, sore throat and feels like I have a lump in my thrat ALL the time. ENT says it is inflammed larynx casued by LPR. The problem for me is a severe reaction to the PPI's - I cant take them atall as I am one in 100,000 or whaever it is, to suffer from physcotic type reaction to them. No way can I try them again, it took me 3 months to get over the bad reaction.
All other tests are negative, PH study and Deemester score of 8. No espohagatis, but lax LES. However, also negative on the pepsin test.
So I am at a realy loss to understand how this stuff comes back up because I just dont feel it and if it were, I should have a positive pepsin test.
Any suggestions? Does anyone have LPR but not feel any reflux atall?