By Chipsgrl
I am new here as well. I am 37 y/o and have had reflux for approx. 10 years, of and on medication.
For the past 2 years it has become more serious and have been diagnosed with GERDS. I use to take prepulsid until it was discontinued and then went on Rinitidine which recently stopped working. Now I am trying 20 MG omeprazole. I have been on it for over a week and don't seem to notice much of a difference. My symptoms include brief bouts of hiccups, coughing (but not any mucus, etc) severe back pain and pain in-between my shoulder blades. My jaw sometimes hurts (infrequent) and i feel liquid come up in to my throat along with food at times. I also have a perpetual sore throat (burns a lot) - feels like something is stuck (around my adams apple area) and use to have an ache in my left ear. My stomach right up to my ear burns. I am not over weight - in fact quite fit and I also eat healthy (although I did like coffee). I dont drink or smoke. I have done the life style dietary changes however I have a high stress level (went through an extreme traumatic experience). I am afraid to eat sometimes because I am not sure how it will affect my acid level. I find I like to drink a lot of smoothies or cold liquids as it brings little relief to my throat.
I guess I am on here looking for support as I am starting to get depressed. This is effecting my quality of life and the more I read about this, the more it scares me. I sleep sitting up and so I feel lethargic a lot of the time.
As for tests, my GP has already done an ultrasound on my abdomen (spleen, liver, gallbladder, etc..etc) and has done blood work for H. pylori (came back neg.) and recently mentioned a endoscopy if this new medication (omeprazole) doesn't work - which doesn't appear to be. I am wondering what usually happens after the endoscopy if the doctor doesn't want to use the meds anymore.... what is the purpose of the test?
I have finally felt some relief after reading this forum as there are others experiencing the same issues. It is effecting my work and social life as I feel dragged out most of the time.
Any support or insight would be greatly appreciated.