Barb - hi yeah, we have been back for a week, thank God! Then a few days ago we had a windstorm and 9,000 people lost power. BUt we didn't lose ours thank God! I was about
to call and make reservations just in case! We're gonna buy a generator.
OK so today DH and I and our munchkin are going out to eat. We're going to an Indian restaurant which is our favorite. The food there doesn't give me heartburn, probably bec they use caraway, fennel, ginger and all that which are all good for heartburn/reflux. I'm gonna have a Sprite, no coke or pepsi for me today.
Kitt - yeah when I was on Prilosec I completely stopped drinking Coke and Pepsi and any carbonated drinks. It worked great bec I got pregnant just 2 months later(after the acid rebound was over) and I didn't have to go back to Prilosec. I was terrified I would ahve terrible heartburn when I was preggo, but it was only mild in the beginning (together with the morning sickness)and after that it was wonderful. Of course I ate healthy although in the last few weeks I pigged out on ice cream and chocolate everything! I was prego in the summer so I was so HOT all the time. I ate a lot of ice cream! No heartburn though, God knew I couldn't take that, together w/ the high risk pregnancy I had. Halleluiah!
Anyway, it's really amazing and you will be surprised at how life can be so much better without soda! I know it's hard...I drink it about
once or twice a week but I don't finish an entire can or bottle. I split it with my husband. To give you an example, before my parents moved to the US (they're Filipinos), they were healthy. No chronic problems. Now both have high blood pressure, high cholesterol, dad is diabetic, mom has osteoporosis, Dad has heart problems, mom have GERD now. I think our lifestyle and diet contributes to a lot of our illnesses. I do believe moderation is the key. Sorry I sound preachy.
Happy Valentines everyone!