teddy'smom, your symptoms sound similiar to what I was living through. Nexium sorted all of the daily gastro issues immediately. Unfortunately, all Nexium really does is delay getting to the root of your problem by masking the underlying conditions.
Stomach lining inflammation is a problem area for many people, and it leads them to heartburn issues. Lately, many doctors are treating this as they would true reflux. They should not. They should work with you to devise a plan to find out what is causing the inflammation and then eliminating it from your diet.
It is very hard to give up the things that you love to consume, but you have to. It was only after I eliminated alcohol and soft drinks that I started to recover. For you it may be coffee and doughnuts, but it is imperitive to find out. I have been improving markedly every day since I took this step.
I have learned from this forum other things that help with the healing once you are on the right track. First off, sleep on your left side. If you think that's a silly idea, then look closely at an anatomical map of your organs. It works. As soon as I shift back to my right side, I feel the fluids start to move up again. Buy a bottle of DGL licorice, and suck on them several times a day. It promotes soothing in your stomach. Buy a bottle of Caltrate Plus calcium supplement and take one first thing when you wake up and last thing before you go to bed. Calcium neutralizes acid amazingly.
If you have not been tested, make sure to do a gastroscopy and an upper GI. The gastroscopy will find any inflammation that is in your stomach and esophagus, and the upper GI will spot reflux. If true reflux is present, you may need the medications to protect yourself from other harm that could develop down the road.
So many of our digestive problems are lifestyle related. Before you get stuck on the pills, try to find out how to deal with the issues as naturally as possible. If you read back my posts from last November you will see how frightened and confused I was. Now, I am finally healing. I certainly hope that you can achieve the same benefits yourself.
Good luck.